Manage obituaries with care and ease on behalf of your communities.

Funeral homes use Column to manage their obituaries across multiple publications, simplify their payment processes, and seamlessly share proofs with families & their loved ones.

One place to track & manage obituaries.

Easily access important documents and records and receive notifications on order status. Column keeps everything you need in one place.

Share high-quality proofs with families.

Show families exactly how the obituary will appear in print and online, providing accuracy and peace-of-mind. Column's strong partnerships with newspapers ensure that the proof matches the final publication.

Publish across multiple media partners.

Help families publish their obituary across a network of newspapers and media partners to extend the reach of their loved one's story.

Centralize and simplify your payment process.

Publish in multiple newspapers, but store and pay invoices from one place. Keep things simple and enjoy the convenience of multiple billing options.

Access free live chat support & virtual trainings.

We host twice-monthly trainings for anyone who wants extra help with Column. These sessions help you maximize the benefits! Our support team is available Monday through Friday, 9am to 7pm ET, with real humans working in real time to assist you.

Want to see how Column works?

Fancy graphics and bold headlines can only show so much. Schedule a 20-minute call with our sales team to see the platform for yourself. Then, you can grill us with a bunch of hard questions.