Publish your notices across a national network of newspapers.

Does your organization need to place a lot of legal notices? Do you have to publish across different counties or cities? Our team can help you fulfill publication requirements with any newspaper in the US.

Trusted Software Partner

How It Works

Fast, automated placement.

We offer automation options that will completely eliminate the manual steps of the submission process. Our technology allows organizations that place multiple notices a month to take care of everything with just the click of a button or a single email. Talk to us and we'll figure out the optimal automation method for your business.

Compliant with any paper, nationwide.

Our team does the work to comply with the publication requirements of every newspaper in the US. You simply send your notices to us and we complete the rest, from placement to publication to affidavit. Of course, we prioritize placing in newspapers that are already partnered with Column, which is more cost-effective for you and helps increase volume for our partners.

Super simple billing.

We understand that when you place notices across multiple publications, billing gets complicated fast. Too many invoices from too many papers! By leveraging our nationwide placement service, you receive a single comprehensive invoice for all your notices. Place in multiple papers, but pay in just one place.

Dedicated support.

No more support queues! When you take advantage of Column's nationwide placement service, you get a dedicated point of contact responsible for providing priority support. This means a human being who you can reach out to with questions on the status of your orders, payments and affidavits.

Want to schedule a consultation?

If you have questions or are curious if your organization qualifies for our services, find time to meet with our team. We can dive into the details.

Explore More Services

In addition to our software products, we offer a suite of professional services designed to deliver significant cost savings to your organization. We handle the tedious & time-consuming tasks so you can focus on managing the rest of your business.


Hundreds of publications have successfully outsourced their entire affidavit operations by using Column. We take care of signing and notarizing all your affidavits, and delivering them court-ready to your clients.

Order Management

Our team becomes your team. Column Reps bring decades of experience working at newspapers across the US. We supercharge our team with powerful workflow tools to handle orders on behalf of your business.

Nationwide Posting

Does your organization need to publish a lot of notices? Need to publish across different counties or cities? Our team can help you fulfill publication requirements with any newspaper in the US.


Naturally, we believe Column is the only system you need to run your advertising operations. But, until you make the switch to our full platform, we are happy to work with you on integrating into existing ad management systems or tools your organization utilizes.


There a lot of manual tasks, sometimes entire teams, that focus on exclusively on pagination. You can eliminate pagination work from your process by working with Column. This service can even help bypass additional integration work you might be considering.